some brief unconnected mean girls thoughts

 Okay but World Burn is one of my favorite songs right now for its musicality. Just. Key changes. Accents everywhere. The way the meter gets just so much more prominent when the kids are singing, like they're getting ready to Do Something. And, really, it's just. Incredible vibes and powerful stuff. 

Also the meanest thing Regina could think to call herself was fugly cow and that's. Something. (It used to be a bunch of stuff about fugly slut and whatever and this has been very very toned down I think.)

Also just the way it was filmed is perfect and the way it uses the movie medium in a way that a musical can’t but keeps the musical vibes is just so very fetch (a very good word I’m starting to use unironically) and also the social media stuff which is a perfect example of the medium adding more information in new ways.

In conclusion mean girls is being rotated in my brain like a kebab. No fanfic ideas but just going around and around. 


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