Christmas presents!

 Well, it’s been a while. I’ll spare you the excuses, except for the fact that I’ve done a lot of writing (college essays and fanfic) and some crochet, and that’s about it lately. So here’s the Christmas presents, and I’ll talk about the writing soon. (read: I’m doing a few things tonight and scheduling them for various days over the next few weeks, while I attempt to get back into at least saying Something on a semi-regular basis.)

I made Mom a rainbow scarf for Christmas, and finished it on December 27, instead of several months later, which happens unfortunately often. This is it in the sink, all scrunched up.

An early process picture of the rainbow scarf; it’s broomstick lace, 30 stitches across with an H hook (it’s some red heart yarn that isn’t unforgettable but seems pretty similar. I have a Thing for single ply rainbow ombrés.) and worked around my 1 inch ruler in groups of 3. 

More of the scarf blocking

The scarf all laid out on towels; it’s Long. 

Close up of it on the towel, all nice and dark cause it’s wet. 

My new spinning wheel, the EEW Nano 2.0! It finally came (right before finals, lol) and I haven’t gotten to use it enough, but I love it a lot. 

And finally, my friend presents: four stuffies! Green bee, purple and teal owl, green jellyfish, and purple whale, for my four best friends. I had a lot of fun with these, especially with the jellyfish. I improvised most of the patterns by shrinking down existing ones, but the owl and the bee are completely new. 


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