Tour de Fleece 1

Happy first week of the Tour de Fleece, annual spinning adventure! This is my first year doing it, and my goal is just to spin every day. 

I’ve already completed one skein and have another ready to ply, and while they’re not large skeins, they’re something. I’m a little behind on picture taking and on Ravelry (this week has been A Lot with a couple of things so I haven’t had as much of a chance to do that stuff) but here’s pictures! The white is the first completed skein and the honey-colored one is about to get plied. 

Plying ball, ready to go!

Winding the plying ball

Finished! (Terrible lighting here)

The official color name for this is Golden Hibiscus, but I think it’s more of a honey yellow. Photo from the spinners guild meeting, where I was the youngest person there by 20-30 years, as usual. 

Day 1’s progress. Only day I’ve managed progress shots so far. 


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