Spinning a yarn… (haha the puns)

Today I’m working on the thing I’ve been mentioning lately — two RPG projects at the same time, and one is almost done. Like working on the layout and trying to find beta testers almost done. Let me know if you want the link for the current draft or if you want to playtest it, I could use the testers and I just want a little feedback. 

In the meantime, have some spinning! I went to my guild meeting on Tuesday and someone showed me how to properly use my supported spindle, so I’ve been working through that. She also gave me a lovely cotton roving to use because “the cotton from pill bottles is hardly spinnable.” And I finished a skein of (pill bottle) cotton that measures a whole 18 yards, which is a new record! 

I got to try a EEW Nano 1.1 at the meeting too, and it was really cool. I’m trying to figure out whether I could afford one of the new ones, cause that was super easy to use and I liked it. No pictures of that though. 

Lastly, I signed up for the tour de fleece, the spinning challenge running alongside the Tour de France. It’s my first time, and I’m not going for any specific goals but it should be fun!

The skein I finished, lying atop a pile of dye jars that have since been trashed (color didn’t work). 

The new roving and my spindle and bowl. Featuring my messy desk. 


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