Modern Wobbly Songs, aka I am FED UP with America

 I’ve been writing a lot of new/adapted lyrics to protest songs straight from the Little Red Songbook (I have the really big anthology edition. It’s awesome), and I’m just fed up enough with America right now that I’m sharing them. Disclaimer: these are probably originally public domain songs? Most of them are old enough, I think. Anyways, I’m not the original composer and half the lyrics are nearly the same, so just take this as my contribution to the time honored musical protest tradition.

The Anawim Anthem — Tune: Dump The Bosses Off Your Back (Brill) 

We are poor, forlorn and hungry, There are lots of things we lack; And our lives, made up of misery, So dump the gov'ment off our backs.

All the agonies we suffer, We can end with some good whacks— This cannot keep on a-happening, So dump the gov'ment off our backs!

Teachers’ Strike (Tune: Solidarity Forever)

Aguilar took the money that he never toiled to earn, But without their brains and teaching not a single class will run. They can break the district's power, gain their freedom as we learn — For the union makes them strong!

Solidarity Forever! Solidarity Forever! Solidarity Forever! For the union makes us strong!

Roll Our Choices On (tune: roll the union on, with apologies to Woody Guthrie)

We're gonna roll, we're gonna roll, we're gonna roll our choices on; We're gonna roll, we're gonna roll, we're gonna roll our choices on!

If the court gets in the way, we're gonna roll right over it, Gonna roll right over it, gonna roll right over it. If the court gets in the way, we're gonna roll right over it, We're gonna roll our choices on!

If your god gets in the way, we're gonna roll right over him. Gonna roll right over him, gonna roll right over him. If your god gets in the way, we're gonna roll right over him, We're gonna roll our choices on!


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