Dice stuffies!!

 I’M FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! … sorry. School got out today. Anyways, I’m just going to get that out of my system. 

Ahem. Who wants to see crocheted Platonic solids, aka dice? This has been my project since the school carnival, and basically it’s a lot of granny squares/pentagons/triangles that are either crocheted or sewn together and stuffed kind of loosely. I took no notes and wrote no patterns, and I gave the pink/purple cube to my brother (he asked for one, I made it in his favorite color). 

Also, if anyone does something like this, I’d suggest sewing it together rather than crocheting it, because whip stitches were easier and prettier than the crochet. These are DMC perle cotton and embroidery floss, in mostly random arrays of color that looked good to me. My standard 1.5mm steel hook continues to be my favorite crochet hook, and I used it here.

My suggestions for anyone who wants to try something similar: sew rather than crochet them together, look up nets for polyhedrons first and color those because it would have saved me hours of frustration (who knew that you need more than 3 colors on a dodecahedron to keep any faces of the same color from touching?), and don’t let anyone who’s overstressed and anxious about finals throw them at anyone else (my friends all threw them in the air for a bit. Then I stopped it before it became an all out stuffed-polyhedron war).

Anyways, here’s the Ravelry project page. And the pictures, featuring our star jasmine (or possibly milkweed? Unclear) in full bloom as a backdrop. 

Rainbow d6/cube, with a corner of the d12/dodecahedron there

Purple cube/d6, with the pink and two purple sides showing. This is my favorite pic of this one. 

Red, yellow, blue sides of the rainbow d6; I like the black crocheted edging a lot, actually. It sets the darker colors off really well. (I have a thing for rainbows, partially because I’m quite queer, partially cause they’re fun.)


Tetrahedron, aka d4. This one came out a bit weird so it doesn’t roll well, but it’s cool anyways. 

All of them hiding in the shrub. 

Green, yellow, orange sides of the cube. 

The sage green, golden brown, and purple combo in this reminds me of a desert. 

Red, and more purples. Same purple d6/cube, sewn with pink thread. 

Orange, purple, and dark green look nice here. 

I think the dodecahedron/d12 is my favorite of all the ones I made, honestly. 


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