One year!

 So tomorrow, to steal the term used by some bloggers I like, is my “blogversary”, the 1 year anniversary of my first post. I’m really proud because it means I’ve kept this up for a whole year!

One thing I learned from blogging is that writing regularly is really hard. I keep putting things out that I’m not proud of, because if I miss a week for no reason, I feel guilty. I don’t put up well-written posts as much as I want because I’m usually busy, and sometimes even shoving pictures onto the world is really hard. 

I think I also learned something about taking good pictures— it’s really hard to get pictures that show my work in a good way with a phone, but I just keep trying. Eventually something turns out okay, and I put it out there anyways. I learned about the importance of lighting and of good photos when I started writing patterns, and that’s going to help me as I try to get better at writing good entries.

I don’t really know where I want to go next in life, but I’m going to keep blogging! 


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