I’m sick

 The title says most of it. I’m down with what’s either a cold or (quite possibly) the flu — not COVID, I think, but I’ve got a crazy cough and a mild fever, and I’ve been out since Tuesday. This should tell you how bad I’m feeling: I haven’t crocheted more than half a round on the Current Shawl Project (no, you haven’t missed anything, I haven’t talked about it much) since I woke up Tuesday. That’s bad, for me. 

So I’m just going to put random stuff here and not bother making anything coherent. Sorry, but I don’t feel well enough for anything else and if I did, I’d make up the work I’m not doing. 

No pictures today. I haven’t taken anything for a while. No gaming stuff. I can’t be bothered to do anything right now. And no buffer to use to fill this week cause I used the last one a few weeks ago when I was swamped. 

Here, have stuff I’m reading. I’m reading Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, 14th edition (cause it ties into something I’m doing); City Spies (a middle grade series I like); Murderbot Diaries (if audiobooks count); the aurora cycle (again, on audiobook); and honestly pretty much nothing else. 

Except fanfic. I like fanfic and read way too much of it. Right now I’m reading fics for Star Trek (of course), for Leverage (we’re watching the first season of the show and I like it), and the Infinite Loops fanfic project, starting with the MLP loops. Also some long running other stuff that doesn’t count as reading cause I just check it once in a while. 

Don’t know what else I’m doing. I’m sorta writing, sometimes, a couple of things mostly in paper notebooks so I can’t share those, or things that are complicated to explain like city spies/Harry potter crossovers and city spies/leverage/murderbot crossover infinite loops stuff. I’m listening to le Nozze di Figaro, again. I promise I’ll be more coherent next week. Also next week there should be a project to share if I shape up. 


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