An Auraic Academy, part 3: Course catalogue part 1

Last week I talked about the various classes and scheduling at the Auraic Academy, and I’m continuing that today, with some excerpts from the course catalogue at the academy. 

I’m basing this on course catalogues that I’ve seen, so it doesn’t list the teachers but it lists the title and level of the class, a brief description, whether it’s a semester long or a year long (1 credit for semester long, 2 for year long), and any prerequisites. A note: honors classes boost GPA (so an A is 5 points, a B is 4, and a C is 3, rather than 4, 3, and 2 points respectively). I’m not doing this for every class, mostly just non-core classes (but not even all of those), divided by subject area. I have omitted several classes (especially at higher levels) where I’ve given some description of lower level classes and see no point in repeating things.

Cultural Studies

Culture and Traditions 1 (2 credits). Prerequisites: none (required class for 6th grade, unless testing out). Students will learn basic etiquette, traditions, and behavioral expectations for interacting with Auraic culture, focusing on proper behavior in different situations. Topics include holidays, introductions, the various ranking methods, and historical events.

Culture and Traditions 2 (2 credits). Prerequisites: Culture and Traditions 1 or successful challenge test and instructor permission. The focus of this course is on expanding on topics from the first year of this course, especially etiquette and interacting politely with others. We will also cover food, holidays, and religion in depth. 

Honors Culture and Traditions 3 (2 credits, may be repeated for credit in subsequent years). Prerequisites: a grade of B+ (87%) or better in Culture and Traditions 2. We will go in depth on nearly every aspect of Auraic culture, and work on individual projects. We will be covering politics!

Non-Magical Life 1 (2 credits). Prerequisites: none. This course emphasizes practical skills necessary to live in the modern nonmagical world. By the end of the course, students will be able to do laundry, determine appropriate clothing for situations, introduce themselves without reference to their family, and make small talk. 

Non-Magical Life 2 (2 credits). Prerequisites: Non-Magical Life 1. This course expands and continues the topics covered in the first year of this course, using practical exercises in addition to theoretical work to improve students’ functioning in nonmagical environments. 

House Studies (6 credits over 3 years). Prerequisites: none, but placement is by magical affinity for a house. This course is designed to ensure students know about both the politics and the specific magical skills of their House, and can use them properly. 

Auraic History 1 (2 credits). Prerequisites: none. Students will learn the expansive history of the Auri, while developing skills from their nonmagical history classes. We will be covering both truth and legends.

Planetary and Ecological Studies 

Astronomy (1 credit). Prerequisites: none. This class focuses on practical astronomy for Auri, such as effects of phases of the moon on certain spells. Students wanting a more traditional astronomy education are encouraged to continue the program, as classes become less practical as time goes on. 

Geomancy (1 credit). Prerequisites: none. Again, class focuses on practical topics such as immediately useful applications of trigonometry in crystalline casting. Continue the program for theoretical work if that is what interests you. 

Magical Creatures 1 (2 credits). Prerequisites: none. The focus of this course is on caring for common magical creatures, as well as studying their unique abilities. There will be no dissection in this course, unlike in Biology; please do not expect it!

Magical Plants 1 (2 credits). Prerequisites: none. This class focuses on practical skills when handling simple magical plants, as well as the properties of various plants. It is designed to be taken concurrently with Magical Creatures 1, so there is some curricular overlap. 

(Stopping here because I’m busy today, so I’ll do more classes next week or later if I have time.)


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