A random list of rpg-related ideas

 So I was up late last night (we went to see the musical Hamilton [!!!], which is playing around here) and don’t have anything to talk about really, and I’m just going to dump a whole list of ideas I had a while ago for role playing games (both actual game-games and story ideas or campaigns, also characters), because I’m running on not enough sleep and I just don’t have the will to write anything more. If you want to use any of these game ideas, feel free to do whatever with them; I’d appreciate credit for them but honestly nobody really reads this anyways so I doubt anyone would use them and it really doesn’t matter. 

  • The characters are agents of Vanguard, an organization which spans the multiverse. They go between planes solving problems and completing missions for Bonum and Pax, Vanguard’s leadership. Also someone in command is probably a traitor. 
  • Like the City Spies books (great series, by the way), except those spy teams of almost all kids are a common thing. 
  • Lost mine of phandelver but Gundren Rockseeker is secretly a god. 
  • Solúnes: Racially segregated faerun but with lots of wars and non Euclidean geometry. 
  • Ara Starflower, the bard who’s a better wizard than the actual party wizard. 
  • The nutcracker (as in the ballet, not whatever the movie did to my beloved story), but as a deep dive into the politics of the land of sweets. Because someone’s got to have tried rebelling against the sugar plum fairy. Featuring the snow queen, the sugar plum fairy, and the rose as a three part governing council that controls the two allied states of the land of the snow and the land of sweets. And it being a matriarchy and the cavalier having no role in life other than to escort the sugar plum fairy. 
  • A hack of Lasers and Feelings, themed around Forbidden Island (a board game about escaping an island, with six adventurers gathering four treasures). 
  • A Christmas romcom-themed game where acts of love are represented by tokens being gained or lost. 
  • Something based on the finishing school series?
  • Something about female spies in vaguely-steampunk-Victorian-England, communicating by fibercraft secret messages or the language of flowers. For instance, a certain handkerchief edging meaning that there’s a meeting. Based off real message-sending things. Maybe involving the American Girl books about Samantha (the 1904 one). 
  • An oracle who would rather talk to the stars than to people. And the stars talk back. Probably named some complicated astronomy pun. 
  • The personality of the main character in the book Furthermore, with the magical powers of a d&d mage. 
That’s about all for now. If you think I should expand one of these ideas, let me know, although I don’t promise anything. 


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