Finished Hand Sown!

 I don’t really have much to write about today. It’s been pretty busy and I haven’t done anything worth talking about. So instead here’s pretty pictures of a shawl I finished a while ago: the Hand Sown shawl from the most recent knitty magazine. 

I used Loops and Threads Woollike, in the Golden Yellow colorway, and a size H hook to make it. I finished it actually way back in early July but haven’t shared it, as I’ve had other things to talk about instead. 

So here’s some pictures and the project page on ravelry: BardicWizard’s Hand Sown. Modifications: I shorted a few repeats and skipped the last few edging rows because I liked it better that way, and so it worked with the 3/4 of a ball of yarn that I had. 

That’s my bed in the background, all covered with the usual mess of stuffed animals and books (although I cleared it off before I took one of the pictures, and I took another without the books). 

All of the pictures are sideways, because blogger has issues. 


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