Back home and somehow still functioning

 I’m kinda tired. We got back from our road trip on Saturday, then we unpacked, then it was my birthday just a couple days ago, and I’m exhausted from everything. 

So I’m just going to dump a bunch of random photos here from our trip, roughly in chronological order, and see if there’s anything I want to say about them. Featured within: the Regal Cardigan I started and finished (link to the Ravelry project page) during the trip (and the Olympic Games, so it qualified for the Ravellenic games too!); random scenery things; and a handful of random drawings I did, including a bunch of characters from the Murderbot Diaries books. 

Blogger does weird things on pictures from a computer for some reason, so these may be rotated in random directions. No idea how to fix that, though, so my apologies if it’s hard to read. Also, this is image heavy, obviously. 

I know I haven’t done much gaming stuff lately, and I’m working on that. It’s just been really busy and it’s harder to write about that than it is to take pictures of craft stuff and stick a bunch of words in front of it. So here’s the pictures and I’ll try to do better on actual writing soon. 

What I started with: 4 skeins of yarn, a size F hook (not pictured), and an Interweave Crochet magazine

Glass Beach, up in NorCal. It was beautiful at sunset!

Various scenery things, probably from the first few days, before I stopped taking pictures.

First day’s progress on the sweater

Ferns and trees from another early bit of the trip

Day 2 or 3 on the sweater, I think. 

Thor’s Well in Oregon. It looked like something out of the Hobbit!
Another day on the sweater, now with the start of both fronts.

The Tillamook Cheese Factory in Oregon, the cheesatarian in the family’s favorite part of the trip. 

The RPG shelf at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, which was the best bookstore I’ve seen since Hicklebee’s. 

Books I wanted to get from Powell’s, but didn’t have the money for. I got a few for my birthday. (Top picture, left to right: Network Effect, an rpg book, Labyrinth Lost, Once and Future, A Phoenix First Must Burn. Bottom: A Psalm for the Wild-Built)
Seen on the wall of a donut shop in Portland. 

Pike Place Market in Seattle! Not pictured: yarn store there where I spent way too much money and time. 

My cousins’s new kittens, very cute but ferocious.

A tiger at the Tacoma Zoo
Crater Lake National Park, if you can see the lake through the smoke. 

Chihuly Garden of Glass in Seattle; more fun than the space needle was (since I am terrified of heights). 

The finished Regal Cardigan! More pics are on the ravelry page above.

Burney Falls, on our way home. 
Various characters for a story; namely, the Heirs Auri. Clockwise from left top: Utterance, Star, Zenith, Lyric, Relic, Daffodil, Aurora.

Map of Valus Dae

Various Murderbot Diaries characters, reconstructed from whatever descriptions I could find in the books as a fun exercise. (Top: Ratthi and Pin-Lee; middle: Iris, Kaede, Matteo, and Seth; bottom: Mensah and Amena)


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