Project photos!

I don’t know what to write today. Again. So I’m just going to share some pictures of one of the projects I’m working on, because I have to get some stuff done and mailed by the time the mail carrier shows up. 

This is the second Pixie Pocket Belt that I’ve made, with the pattern from Morale Fiber. This one actually has a sort of theme — I scrapped the Gavotte Cardigan, based on the Skin Horse character Gavotte, I was making when I came close to running out of yarn, and now I’m trying a Pixie Belt. Which at least is more interesting to do. 

The pockets are done, but the pictures are old so these are more technically process shots. I like the teacup and might actually make that into a real pattern. There’s another pocket which has an orchid on it, but I didn’t take a picture of it yet.


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