EotW redesign, part one: In which the Author has thoughts

I’m working on redesigning a role playing game I wrote last year, Ensign of the Week (link is to the current final version of the rules, and the picture at the top of this entry is my sister’s art for a sample character), and it’s having some problems. Most notably, the magic system just isn’t working. I’ve solicited feedback from pretty much everyone I know who’s into rpgs, and everyone’s given me a different answer. From “keep it” to “cut it” to “simplify it” to “cut something else so it’s the easiest option”, they run the spectrum of opinions and options. I need to decide on something to do about the magic system, so I’m going to ramble on about it here and see if it helps. (And as an aside, the title is with apologies to A. A. Milne and the Winnie the Pooh books.) Sorry this is so late in the day, but today has been high stress and no time.