
Showing posts from October, 2022

Redwoods on retreat

 So I came home from retreat with strep throat. I’ve been sick all week and so today is just a photodump from retreat so have fun with that. Lots of redwoods! 

Embroidery photos!

 If you see this on Thursday, it means scheduling posts works! (If you see this before Thursday it means I screwed up.) The reason I’m scheduling a post is because I’m gonna be completely offline Tuesday through Friday for senior retreat (both very excited and very worried, none of my friends are going on this one), and I don’t want to miss two weeks in a row.  I’ve been doing some embroidery lately, and I have lots of pictures! That’s what I’m going to show you today — all of these were done at school, usually on clothing I was wearing. I did these on the inside hems of my pants during a boring assembly Flowers from when I was bored at lunch  Emergency repair for my jeans when they developed a hole in the knees; it’s a woven patch, and I’m quite proud of it! (It’s fancy because, you guessed it, I was bored. I sense a theme here.) This is part of my Halloween/cosplay plan — it’s going to be the preservation logo that I put on the jacket I’m making! (It’s unfinished as of ...